One of the questions that has come up often during my years in preschool and elementary ministry is ‘How do I have faith conversations with my kids? I’m not sure how to explain what it means to have a relationship with Jesus?’ Whether you have attended church for the majority of your life or whether you are new to attending church; having faith conversations with kids can feel challenging. Here’s the great news – it doesn’t have to be!
You can talk to your kids about salvation and faith just like you would talk to them about anything. Do your best, be comfortable saying, ‘I don’t know, but let’s find out together’ and be willing to open up the conversation on a regular basis.

With Easter approaching this weekend, you have an open door to dive into some conversations with your kids.
If you haven’t already, read about Jesus crucifixion and resurrection (why we celebrate Easter) in the Bible. That is a great place to start. You can also find a video version of the Easter story from The Beginner’s Bible HERE.
There is a good chance, your child may have questions (and it is ok if they don’t just yet). Research shows, that young children are best able to process concrete thoughts and topics. As they grow, their brains develop from concrete thinking to more abstract thinking.
Hebrews 11:1 says that ‘faith is being sure of what we cannot see.’
Because we cannot physically see Jesus, kids can grapple with understanding who He is and what it means to have a relationship with Him. That’s ok. You have everything inside of you to help plant seeds and point them towards Jesus.
Just a word of encouragement; it is better to talk WITH kids than talk AT them.
Instead of lecturing or preaching to our kids, we get the opportunity to engage WITH them. We want them to explore and ask questions. This helps them build a personal and authentic relationship with Jesus, that is their own; not a carbon copy of their mom or dads.
Check out the tips below to help you feel more equipped:
- As your children participate in online programming that churches are offering in this season, sit and participate alongside your kids. One of the easiest ways to pick up kid friendly language is to observe ministry leaders who have experience in having faith conversations with kids.
- Bring Jesus and truths from scripture into your everyday conversations. Especially in this season with anxiety, fear, frustrations and uncertainty about the future, it is the best time to encourage our kids with a faith perspective. When you see frustrations or hear a question like ‘When we will get to back to school, I miss my friends?’, you can say ‘I don’t know, but you know who DOES know…Jesus? Let’s pray and ask Him to help us.
- Talk about what Jesus means to you. If you are new to church or new to a relationship with Jesus – it is OK to say, I am learning too. If you find encouragement from a Bible verse, share it with your child. When you feel upset or fearful and you pray and feel the Holy Spirit flood you with peace, talk to your child about it. Celebrate the ways that you see Jesus showing up. You will help Him feel authentic and real to your child; even though they cannot see Him.
What do I do if my child is asking questions about asking Jesus to be their Savior?
I am so glad you asked!
If your child is asking questions and you think they may be ready to make the life-changing decision to ask Jesus to be their Savior, PRAY and embrace the opportunity to lead the conversation. This conversation is the most life-changing and rewarding conversation a parent could ever have with their child.
In order to help provide some language, I am sharing a Salvation Conversation Guide. There is not one single ‘right way’ to have this conversation. Listening and responding to your child is the way to go. This guide is only meant to be a tool to help along the way.
If your child DOES make a personal decision and prays to ask Jesus to be their Savior, please find a way to celebrate. It is the single most important decision a person will ever make in their lifetime. I am celebrating alongside you!
Please take some time and check out my post ‘Is it Worth Your Time?’ I share some personal examples of why being a part of a local church (if you are not already) is a great next step for your family to consider.
In case you are looking for some great videos to supplement your Easter weekend experience, check out the ones below. They are some of my favorites!